Welcome to SCIM Studio! This platform is a very basic way to include automated SCIM functionaility into the Google Workspace ecosystem. We do this by actively monitoring changes to your users and groups within Google Workspace. You can then assign SCIM applications to particular groups or users and we will handle the provisioning within those applications.

Lets get started!

Head on over to the 'Synchronisation' section and perform a manual sync. This will grab all of your existing users and groups and populate them into SCIM Studio.
Next, start the Auto Sync. This will begin listening for changes to groups and users.
Finally, add your first SCIM application in the 'Applications' section.

That's it! You're now ready to start enabling applications for your users!
Best practice The easiest way to get started is to add your first SCIM application then enable it on existing groups or users, however, we recommend a different approach.

We have two basic rules for best practice:
  1. Don't enable SCIM applications on individual users within SCIM studio. This is cumbersome as you will be frequently be coming back here to enable and disable applications for individual users, yuck!
  2. Don't enable SCIM applications on your existing groups within SCIM studio. Instead, within Google Workspace, create a Google Group for each of your SCIM applications. We recommend following the format 'app-appName@yourdomain.com'. Then enable the SCIM application on that group.
Following these two rules will mean that once your applications are setup in SCIM Studio, you will rarely ever need to come back here. Instead, you can provision users within your applications by adding your existing groups or individual users to the application groups within Google Workspace, neato!

Added bonus: If you're using SAML for these same applications, you can enable SAML on the same group for provisioning and application authentication!
First Name Last Name Primary Email
  • filter_dramaBasic Information
  • groupGroups
    Group Name Group Email
  • appsApplications
    App Name Status Enabled
  • filter_dramaBasic Information
  • groupGroup Members
    Email Type
  • appsApplications
    App Name Enabled
Add User
Required field

Group Name Members
Add Group
SCIM Applications
App Name
Add SCIM App

Application Marketplace

Manual Sync

Sync all of the users and groups within Google Workspace to SCIM Studio.

Auto Sync

Start syncing changes from Google Workspace as they happen. You should manually sync before turning this on.

Audit Logs

Time/Date Action User Details

Application Sync Logs


Account Settings